The Best No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks Recipe - Recipe: Appetizing No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks

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No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks Recipe.

No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks You can have No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks using 4 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that. The Best No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks Recipe - How to Make Perfect No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks

Ingredients of No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks Recipe

  1. It's 70 grams of Sweet potato (one that's yellow plus nice and sweet).
  2. You need 60 grams of Fresh okara.
  3. You need 40 grams of Strong bread flour.
  4. It's 10 grams of Sugar.

No-Oil Added Okara and Sweet Potato Crunchy Sticks instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 320F/160C..
  2. Cook the sweet potato in advance by steaming or boiling..
  3. Heat the okara in a microwave for about 3 minutes to remove a little bit of the excess moisture..
  4. Mix the sweet potato and okara together while they are hot and add sugar at this point if you want..
  5. Add strong bread flour when the sweet potato and okara are mixed. Knead well to mix..
  6. Lay cellophane wrap and place the dough. Cover with another sheet of cellophane wrap and roll out the dough into 3mm thick..
  7. Cut the dough into about 1cm sticks and poke holes using a fork. Line on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 to 30 minutes while watching over them..
  8. When ready, let cool on a rack and store in a jar or an air-tight container..
  9. If you cut the stick about 1 to 1.5cm thick, they can also be made into chips. They're crispy and delicious..